Thursday, September 4, 2014

September 4, 2014

September is here already!
BART is crazy crowded and I am working later.
My co-worker lost one of his dogs. He was so sad. And I am sad for him.
It makes me appreciate my puppy Beau, who is soon to be 1 year old next month.
I had to make arrangements for boarding my baby. I want him to be happy and not be a burden on my family and friends. I am trying to take him to K-9 Club in Castro Valley. It has almost 20 acres, and my friend, Heidi boards her dog, Griffin there. Of course, there was a screw up. The vet had not sent the paperwork to verify his vaccines. And when they did, of course, he is  missing one. So I have to take him tomorrow to get his vaccine. Raymond wasted his time taking Beau there, but he did fill out the paper work. I will try again on Monday, and will have to be the one that takes Beau the next time.
I had a full day at work today, working through lunch and writing a ton of letters. I have about 7-8 more to do! I will have to get them done tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

A simple dinner

I have a Blendtec blender and I am using it at least once a day for my protein smoothies. Last night for dinner, I made butternut squash soup! OMG! It was awesome and easy! Blendtec had a recipe in the book and I do believe I added some garlic to increase the flavor. The entire family loved it. Served with a spinach salad with bacon and egg. How quick and easy!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Ultra Simple Detox Day 3

No Coffee and no headache!
A little sluggish during the day. But I got through.
Made my smoothie for the morning.
Took my supplements.
Had lunch at my desk with rice and vegetables. I love the broth!!!
Broke down at 2PM and had an apple!!! I needed something to chew and eat!!
Left work a bit early and came home and made dinner.
I used coconut oil to saute my chicken and vegetables.
Had dinner with a cup of herbal tea and I am done for the day!
I will try a little Yoga later and the Detox Bath!
Better day today, but I can't wait for the week end.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Ultra Simple Detox Day 2

Only got up 15 minutes early, but I had done everything but my smoothie the night before.
I slept well. I drank my salad dressing in the morning, had my smoothie at work, herbal tea.
I had a cup of curried sweet potato soup, Dino Kale Salad with quinoa, avocado, almonds, cucumber, lemon cumin vinaigrette.
I also drank a smoothie.
Walked back from the Embarcadero in SF in sunny, crisp and a bit cold weather.
Worked with a headache all afternoon. Broke down and had a cup of coffee. Headache still present.
A bit more hungry today than yesterday.

Monday, January 14, 2013

January Challenge - Diet Cleanse - Nutriion Goals-

In January 2013,  I started working out with Amy Brennick - Personal Training after a 4 month absence- financial concerns only. But on my usual workout nights, I did absolute nothing. I didn't notice any weight gain. But I was a bit down for no real reason. Anyway, first week back with personal training- ok. My second week back, I thought I had the flu!!! I was so sore, it was crazy. Is that what happens to muscles when you don't use them. NOT good. Anyway, I am trying to get back into shape both physically and nutritionally!
I am also working with Amy's Saturday morning group. It is a 8 week challenge. And I had my first week! I am also working on diet detox. Back to eating better, especially after the holidays. The Detox is only 1 week.  I am trying to get a jump start and I am using the Mark Hyman- Ultra Simple Diet. I like simple, lists and checklists. What more could a girl ask for.
I started today after a cup of coffee with milk (NOT ON THE US PLAN) and a trip to Berkeley Bowl and $132.00 later including vitamins and supplements.
I made the Ultra Broth- Very expensive vegetarian broth, but did it taste good.
I spend an additional $75.00 at Costco. Frozen berry fruit, Protein Powder and blueberries.
I made a protein shake- but added Almond butter, KIWI and the almond milk - Loved it!
Made it through the day and I am going into the evening feeling good and not hungry. I have set my alarm clock to get up tomorrow and make the two protein shakes for the 2 day. I only had 1 today.
Passed the bathroom check - so I am good to go! 

Monday, January 16, 2012

Valentine's Day is coming and I did not make any Christmas Cards. So it is time to step it up.
I have been checking out blogs and I did a card based upon makeover Monday. I had a great time using their card as inspiration and what I had on hand!